Why College Career Centers Are Failing to Provide Valuable Career Guidance, Part 1 for High School Grads

Deciding whether to go to college is one of the most significant choices you'll make as a high school graduate. However, the path isn't as clear-cut as it used to be. Did you know that recent statistics show only about 53% of college graduates are working in jobs that require a degree? Additionally, studies reveal that trade school graduates often start their careers with less debt and earn comparable, if not higher, salaries than their college-educated peers.

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Why Meritocracy and Anti Meritocracy Both Won’t Advance Your Career

Imagine a high-performing employee, John, who consistently met his targets and received stellar performance reviews, yet saw less experienced colleagues promoted over him. Frustrated and confused, John began to question the meritocratic system at his company. Conversely, when his company tried to implement anti meritocratic policies to promote diversity and inclusion, John felt even more sidelined. The new system, lacking clear metrics for recognizing his contributions, left him feeling undervalued and stuck.

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Zakkery GageComment
Turn Your Setbacks into Comebacks: 5 Unstoppable Strategies

Several years ago, I took a two-year hiatus from the IT industry at a time when cloud technology was just starting to revolutionize the business world. Upon my return, I found the landscape dramatically changed, and my skills somewhat outdated. This period of catching up was challenging, yet it taught me invaluable lessons about resilience and adaptation.

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Job Hunting Nightmare: 7 Mistakes You're Probably Making

Job hunting can often feel like navigating through a lake with cement blocks on your feet, where every turn step feels almost self-defeating at times. As a seasoned career coach, I've witnessed countless individuals struggle through the job search process, often making critical mistakes that hinder their success. In this article, I'll shed light on seven common mistakes that you might be unknowingly making in your job search journey, and more importantly, I'll provide actionable advice to help you steer clear of these pitfalls.

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Zakkery GageComment
Insider Secrets: How to Spot a Reliable Recruiter Every Time

In the labyrinthine world of job hunting, recruiters often act as the guiding light, illuminating pathways to new opportunities and career advancements. With over 15 years of experience in successfully working with recruiters as a technology professional, as well a career coach, I've traversed this landscape, gaining invaluable insights into the nuances of recruiter-candidate relationships. Today, I'm here to share with you some insider secrets on how to spot a reliable recruiter every time.

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Zakkery GageComment
10 Signs You're Procrastinating Under the Guise of Perfectionism

At first glance, procrastination and perfectionism may seem like distant cousins, but in reality, they can intertwine in deceptive ways. Procrastination, simply put, is delaying accomplishment for reasons that aren't necessary or deemed of lower value than the accomplishment itself. On the other hand, perfectionism involves putting all efforts into accomplishing something until it is flawless. Ironically they are mutually exclusive at a fundamental level, but we like to play mental gymnastics in order to intertwine them.

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Zakkery GageComment
5 Signs It's Time for a Career Change (And How to Make It Happen)

In today's fast-paced and dynamic professional landscape, the notion of a lifelong career in a single field is becoming increasingly rare. As a seasoned career coach who has guided over 35 professionals through successful career transitions in 2023, I'm here to shed light on the signs that indicate it might be time for a change and how to navigate this pivotal moment in your professional journey.

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Zakkery GageComment
Master the Art of Mingling: Networking Tips for Introvert’s Playbook

Embracing your introversion is the first step towards unlocking your networking potential. Contrary to common misconceptions, introverts possess unique strengths that can be invaluable in networking situations. Our penchant for deep conversations, attentive listening, and authentic connections sets us apart in a world often dominated by surface-level interactions. Rather than viewing introversion as a hindrance, recognize it as a valuable asset in building meaningful professional relationships.

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Zakkery GageComment
Get Noticed at Work: The Power of Impeccable Work Ethic

In the bustling arena of professional life, where competition is fierce and opportunities abound, the quest to stand out and excel is perpetual. At the heart of this journey lies a fundamental attribute: work ethic. Your work ethic, the way you approach tasks, and the dedication you bring to your responsibilities, can make all the difference in your career trajectory.

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